Travelers / Passengers

  •  The service cannot be called for Group availability (more than 9 passengers).
  •  The service cannot be called for Unaccompanied Minor (children travelling alone, up to age 15).
  •  British Airways supports the following passenger types:
    • Adult (ADT)
    • Young Adults (ADT type, with a birth date comprised between 12 and 15 years old)
    • Child (CHD)
    • Infant (Infant)

 If any other passenger type is passed in the AirShopping request the service treats it as Adult and returns Adult price. Example: If passenger type requested is Military (MIL) the service will return Adult (ADT) price.


ADT  - 16+ Adult 

Young ADT 12-15 – pass Date of Birth to obtain this fare

CHD - Child  2-11yrs 

INF - Infant   0-2 yrs

{{string}}  xxx
For Young Adult or INF  include the Date of Birth {{YYYY-MM-DD}}





               <Passenger ObjectKey="T1">
                           <Street>Beeches Apartment</Street>
                           <Street>200 Lampton Road</Street>
                           <Number CountryCode="44">2087385301</Number>
                  <AdditionalRoles PaymentContactInd="true"/>


You must include <eMail> contacts tag  in the First Passenger declaration.