Getting Started

API Endpoints

HTTP Headers

Every request should include the following http headers to successfully connect to our API.

Client-keyYour 24-bit API connection key
SoapActionAPI Action Type  e.g. AirShoppingV01

Standard Status Codes

Below are the standard status codes returned when a request is made to an API. Some APIs have additional/different status codes, so it is important to check individual API pages for further details.

200OkThe request was successful and at least 1 item is being returned
400Bad RequestSent when the consumer sends a malformed request to the service. The actual error message is returned in the response body
401UnauthorisedReturned when the consumer is not authenticated to use the API
403ForbiddenReturned when the consumer is authenticated but does not have permission to access the Resource
404Not foundReturned when no matching flights can be found e.g. request to get flight arrival information for a route we don't fly
406Not AcceptableReturned when the Accept header contains version / mime type info which we don't support
500Internal Server ErrorSomething has gone wrong - please raise this as a bug with us
503Service UnavailableReturned when the server is temporarily unable to handle the request