RELEASE v2.01 rel 31-05-18

Release Features

New Features and Capabilities

No new features have been introduced in this release.

Issues repaired

A brief description of the fixes which are getting release is below.

Fix #1


In case where payment card holder name is not passed in the AirDocIssue request, OrderView response is failing with error. This fix on the AirDocIssue API is to return the correct OrderView response.

Fix #2


While doing change booking, OrderView response is returning incorrect adcol amount in the payment section. This fix on the OrderView response is to display the correct adcol amount in the payment section.

Fix #3


While doing change booking and re-shopping for the offers, flight associations are not returning in the ItinReshop response. This fix on the ItinReshop response is to correctly map and return the flight associations.

Fix #4

cust-ibc (NDC agent validation component)

Today, if corporate is having JBID greater than 8 characters in length then request is not allowed to use BA NDC APIs. NDC agent validation component is been fixed to accept JBID greater than 8 characters.

Known Issues and Problems

There are no known issues and problems with this release.